Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed dui in tellus molestie vestibulum dignissim et lorem. Proin dictum augue et odio luctus pellentesque. Donec rutrum odio vel leo eleifend consequat. Nullam facilisis orci quis orci placerat, vitae tristique lacus fringilla. Pellentesque gravida bibendum dictum. Sed tincidunt, neque ac feugiat finibus, purus orci cursus risus, ac euismod mauris ante non ante. Pellentesque et porttitor dui. Nunc eget diam commodo, rhoncus dui id, congue quam. Duis nec rutrum eros. Sed quis dui tristique, malesuada massa quis, tristique mauris. Curabitur lacinia tortor lorem, eget porta felis egestas ac. Vestibulum sed nisl et eros commodo interdum eget ac massa. Nullam quis erat quis ex pharetra pretium. Ut sit amet tellus ornare felis eleifend pellentesque. Nunc rutrum fermentum justo, ut finibus odio tempus ac. Curabitur id sem tincidunt, fringilla massa nec, mollis orci. Cras tortor quam, vestibulum ut iaculis non, tempor vel justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc cursus, purus imperdiet sodales ultrices, est velit varius justo, vel eleifend ligula tortor ut nisl. Duis a tempor quam, id dapibus mi. Quisque auctor lobortis dui non consectetur. Aenean ut nulla enim. Duis feugiat elit id auctor laoreet. Nullam placerat est sit amet augue consectetur, et viverra lectus posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus faucibus felis ut tellus commodo, vitae commodo arcu molestie. Pellentesque diam justo, molestie quis augue in, pretium volutpat ante. Maecenas finibus leo sed sem venenatis mollis. Fusce lacinia interdum nisi id venenatis.

You don’t know everything

Houseplants and gardening is a journey, like any other hobby, there’s a learning curve. Which is why I’m documenting my progress here on Blogspot as well as TikTok. It’s a fun journey, albeit a struggle bus when you dive head first with ~20 plants to start (and counting…). I have yet to encounter any bugs in my adventure (THANK HEAVENS!), my Calathea is kicking butt and taking names even though it seems to be a tough one for plant parents to care for. I really enjoy her and her dramatics.

I’m currently propagating a few cuttings and my oh my are these water roots b-e-a-u-tiful~! I have Prop Drops to thank for such fast root growth! The featured photo was taken at 3 weeks of growth with prop drops. It’s taken months for my other cuttings to even attempt to make roots. Not with this stuff!! Boy oh boy! 

This photo was taken today – with only 4 weeks of being in the water with prop drops! Take a gander at those puppies. Do you see how long those roots are?? Can you see where they’re starting to branch out? Ugh! I’m in love. Such a healthy looking root system, and it’s all thanks to Prop Drops! By the by, did you know Lowes now carries Prop Drops AND Leaf Shine?? Go get you some!! I’m really proud of the people at Market Botany. They were just a smol shop on TikTok and now they’re in big box stores. You go guys!!

Well, my beloved SANSI and their Puck Grow Lights are amazing for single direct bright light plants but not that great for a large seed tray like I have. 😅 Had to readjust the seed tray so the Sunflowers can get the most light, they were leaning pretty hard towards the light – the ones that weren’t directly under the light. So that’s fixed now… I think? The ones that were leaning hard are now flopped over and I don’t know why. 😭

Decided to do some repotting today before work. My Fittonia desperately needed a repot. Her soil was so dense and her growth was stagnant.

@kasheenaplease Repotting my Fittonia “Mini White”! #houseplantcheck #houseplantcommunity #planttok #planttiktok #plantsoftiktok #plantparent #plantmom #houseplants #plantcare #urbanjungle #nerveplant #fittonia #fittoniaargyroneura ♬ original sound – Kasheena

Honestly, I don’t know how she wasn’t root rot. Guess I caught it in time before her roots started to root from the excess moisture. Now she’s going to thrive with a chunkier mix of soil. It’s not a prefect soil mixture, I still need to buy coco coir chips, orchid bark blend and horticultural charcoal.

Now, can someone tell me how my mixed sunflowers can go from this…

To this…

My guess is overwatering. 😓 The overwatering making the leaves heavy with water. I just hope letting them dry out a little bit will get them standing upright again. They were so strong to start. I don’t understand… Sigh. Here’s hoping.

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