Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed dui in tellus molestie vestibulum dignissim et lorem. Proin dictum augue et odio luctus pellentesque. Donec rutrum odio vel leo eleifend consequat. Nullam facilisis orci quis orci placerat, vitae tristique lacus fringilla. Pellentesque gravida bibendum dictum. Sed tincidunt, neque ac feugiat finibus, purus orci cursus risus, ac euismod mauris ante non ante. Pellentesque et porttitor dui. Nunc eget diam commodo, rhoncus dui id, congue quam. Duis nec rutrum eros. Sed quis dui tristique, malesuada massa quis, tristique mauris. Curabitur lacinia tortor lorem, eget porta felis egestas ac. Vestibulum sed nisl et eros commodo interdum eget ac massa. Nullam quis erat quis ex pharetra pretium. Ut sit amet tellus ornare felis eleifend pellentesque. Nunc rutrum fermentum justo, ut finibus odio tempus ac. Curabitur id sem tincidunt, fringilla massa nec, mollis orci. Cras tortor quam, vestibulum ut iaculis non, tempor vel justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc cursus, purus imperdiet sodales ultrices, est velit varius justo, vel eleifend ligula tortor ut nisl. Duis a tempor quam, id dapibus mi. Quisque auctor lobortis dui non consectetur. Aenean ut nulla enim. Duis feugiat elit id auctor laoreet. Nullam placerat est sit amet augue consectetur, et viverra lectus posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus faucibus felis ut tellus commodo, vitae commodo arcu molestie. Pellentesque diam justo, molestie quis augue in, pretium volutpat ante. Maecenas finibus leo sed sem venenatis mollis. Fusce lacinia interdum nisi id venenatis.

Chunky Soil, Chickens, Oh My!

I’ve started mixing my own soils, since I’ve been on Houseplant & Plant TikTok; I’ve learned a LOT about soil and the different types of mixtures these plants need. I’m already almost out of Perlite… oops. It was the only drainage I had to start. Yesterday I bought some Lava Rocks, today I pick up my Orchid Bark mix. Now I’m just missing the Horticultural Charcoal and the Coco Chips (or is the Lava Rock enough? Hmm.). I already have them in my Amazon shopping cart. I just got to pay bills first before playing with my dirt. Sigh lol. Why must I be an adult, wishing to be a grown up was the lamest wish in existence LOL. At least, I can buy myself plants when I want to.

I use Miracle-Gro Performance Organics as my soil base. It has some perlite and a chunky-ish mixture of organic compounds. For a 28qt bag, it’s only 13$ at Lowes… which sure as heck beats the Amazon price by MILES! I think the same bag on Amazon was 23$? Nearly twice the price. Yikes!

I’ve been adding 1-2 cups per 3 cups of soil to create a fast draining mixture. I may be adding a little too much Perlite but, as it stands, I didn’t have enough chunky mixture to make it fast draining with less. So, with the purchase of Lava Rocks and Orchid Bark I should be able to use much less perlite to soil ratio with a chunkier mixture. Did I mention I bought some Vermiculite when I picked up my Orchid bark? Hehehe.


My husband and I spoke to our landlord, and she gave us the OK to get chickens. So guess what I’m doing? Hunting down the best price for a chicken coop for least 6 chickens. I ran onto Facebook marketplace and found this cute chicken coop. Granted, it’s almost 4k$ said and done… but the RTO (Rent-To-Own) price is affordable at 168$/mo. It looks like it will hold 7 hens, has a nice brood boxes, perches, and a small space before the chicken space to store materials and feed. I’m hoping when hubby goes back to work, we can see about getting one. 🙂

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