Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed dui in tellus molestie vestibulum dignissim et lorem. Proin dictum augue et odio luctus pellentesque. Donec rutrum odio vel leo eleifend consequat. Nullam facilisis orci quis orci placerat, vitae tristique lacus fringilla. Pellentesque gravida bibendum dictum. Sed tincidunt, neque ac feugiat finibus, purus orci cursus risus, ac euismod mauris ante non ante. Pellentesque et porttitor dui. Nunc eget diam commodo, rhoncus dui id, congue quam. Duis nec rutrum eros. Sed quis dui tristique, malesuada massa quis, tristique mauris. Curabitur lacinia tortor lorem, eget porta felis egestas ac. Vestibulum sed nisl et eros commodo interdum eget ac massa. Nullam quis erat quis ex pharetra pretium. Ut sit amet tellus ornare felis eleifend pellentesque. Nunc rutrum fermentum justo, ut finibus odio tempus ac. Curabitur id sem tincidunt, fringilla massa nec, mollis orci. Cras tortor quam, vestibulum ut iaculis non, tempor vel justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc cursus, purus imperdiet sodales ultrices, est velit varius justo, vel eleifend ligula tortor ut nisl. Duis a tempor quam, id dapibus mi. Quisque auctor lobortis dui non consectetur. Aenean ut nulla enim. Duis feugiat elit id auctor laoreet. Nullam placerat est sit amet augue consectetur, et viverra lectus posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus faucibus felis ut tellus commodo, vitae commodo arcu molestie. Pellentesque diam justo, molestie quis augue in, pretium volutpat ante. Maecenas finibus leo sed sem venenatis mollis. Fusce lacinia interdum nisi id venenatis.

Move aside, Winter. Spring’s coming!

Here we are, a day before my birthday and I’m excited for spring. Winter seems to have defrosted and is leaving Ohio alone. Thank goodness!

Spring brings new growth and new beginnings, not to mention the thunder showers 💗! The smell of rain, fresh flowers and fresh green growth… It fills my soul with joy.

“Blossom by blossom the spring begins.”

– Algernon Charles Swinburne

“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.”

– Gertrude S. Wister

Here in my terracotta pot, I have tomatoes and strawberries sprouting! My goodness, I literally thought all of these seeds were duds. I planted them over a year ago and didn’t get many/any sprouts to survive. I’m genuinely shocked all these sprouted from some soil I was going to throw in the bin because nothing would grow in it. I didn’t become the biggest fan of terracotta after /nothing/ would grow/stay alive inside of it. But, I think I have to thank SANSI and their Puck Grow Lights for this magnificent growth!

These cute, compact grow lights come in 4 dimmable light levels; ranging from 25%, 50%, 75% to 100% brightness. Full spectrum LED plant light, covering the entire visible spectrum of 400nm-780nm; Providing 4000K daylight, Color rendering index Ra is close to 100, infinitely close to natural light, suitable for every cycle of plant growth, effectively promotes plant growth, and improves crop yield and quality. Not to mention it comes integrated with a timer, which stays on for 4/8/12 hours and off for 20/16/12 hours, respectively.

Not only have my tomatoes sprouted but so have my mixed sunflowers! I placed 3-4 seeds per seed starting tray’s. I should have a really nice root ball within the next few months. I can’t wait to transplant them into a bigger pot, then a bigger one… Ugh~ I can’t wait. Especially to harvest the seeds. 👀

Did I mention these cuties are also under SANSI Puck Grow Lights? 😚 I owe it all to these lights to this amazing growth!

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